Would you like to participate on the SCTE Sierra Chapter Board of Directors?
We would love to have you join us! The election process for the 2022 – 2023 (2 yr.) term of Board Members is approaching and the dates below represent the deadlines for the next steps
Call for Nominations
Candidates and Nominees interested in running may send an email to Steve Bradley at steve.bradley1@yahoo.com before Dec 20th 2021
Voting Window begins Dec 20th and ends Dec 24th, 2021
Election Results announced at Dec Board meeting in January 2022
New Board members take office in January at Jan Board meeting
Names below will end their 2-year term in December and are up for re-election Michael Carlow, Romel Chand, Brandon Mehrkens, Aaron Walker, Chase Osterman, Don Rowe.
The Board of Directors consists of 12 individuals. There are at least 6 openings available during the election process. You may send an email to Steve Bradley at steve.bradley1@yahoo.com if you would like to nominate an individual or if you are interested in serving on the board and would like to have your name added to the ballot. You may submit Brief Bio which will be posted on the Ballot. Remember, deadlines for submission are Dec 20th, 2021.
SCTE•ISBE Chapters provide local networking, professional development, and SCTE•ISBE certification opportunities to SCTE•ISBE current and prospective members in 69 locations across the globe. Chapter members are the most active in the Society and are dedicated to educating broadband technicians and engineers on the latest technologies and leadership skills necessary to be successful.
*Note, Romel Chand filled open slot from Chris Jones Don Rowe filled open slot from Craig Freeman *Both terms end this year
more information contact - sctesierra@gmail.com